Thursday, December 13, 2007

County Clerk Race

The Red candidates are Foster Arnett, Jr, Bryan Bates, Mike McMillan and Commission Chairman Scott Moore.

Arnett while a decent guy has the "Victor Ashe" machine cloud surrounding him. Arnett served as public information officer for KPD. He had issues while in that position. Primarily, was when Andre Stinson died at the hands of the KPD. Arnett came out and announced that Stinson had drugs in his body. The toxicology report that this was an erroneous report and Arnett was reprimanded.

Bates is the son of Jim Bates. Jim is a nice guy that ran for Sessions Court Clerk against former Clerk Lillian Bean several years dgo. Jim is employed in the Knox County Trustees office and Bates is employed with KPD. Bates at this point is considered a long shot.

McMillan a former Knox County Commissioner from East Knox County's Eighth District is a great guy and will compete for the same county votes as Moore. A high school history teacher at Northeast Knox County's Gibbs High School. McMillan is a conservative with a real public service approach.

Moore a great guy and a dedicated public servant. Moore is in the second year of his final four years of his second term on County Commission. Moore is married to a lovely wife Lorie and father of two wonderful, awesome children. Of the field Moore will work the hardest for every vote he gets. During campaigns Moore works 24/7 365, just ask Jim Boyer and Leo Cooper. He has concrete real plans to bring the Clerk's office into the 21st century. An office that is currently operating in the early 20th century.

If the election were held today Brian's Blog would predict a close three way race with the finishing order Moore, McMillan and Arnett with Bates as a distant fourth. Remember, this is a countywide race with heavy voting in the county.

The Blue candidates are George Stooksbury and
Amy Henley Vandegriff.

Stooksbury has been a longtime assistant to former Clerk Mike Padgett. His time as a leader in the office gave him many opportunities to improve the public service aspect of the Clerk's operation. Little progress has been made to bring the system into the 21st century. However, they have just started taking Mastercard and Visa. Unfortunately, they are not taking Discover and American Express.

Vandegriff is a young energetic lady that has experience in the Clerk's office before she was demoted and ultimately laid off at the Clerk's office. Her input and dialogue during this campaign with provide a starting point for moving beyond the Padgett days.

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