Thursday, December 13, 2007

Law Director

There are only Red candidates in this race. They are Bill Lockett and John Owings. This position is on the ballot because it is time for the election/re-election of Law Director. It is not a term limited position on this ballot.

Lockett is a local attorney. Like democrat Jim Andrews during the Chancellor race in 2006, Lockett this year had his law license suspended for a short time due to an untimely filing of his annual continuing education certification. Lockett had three votes from County Commissioners (Lambert, Guthe and M. Harmon) in September 2006 for the appointed position when former Law Director Mike Moyer had to vacate the position for his elected position of Chancellor. He does not have county government law experience certainly a negative when voting for experience.

Owings is a great guy. He has extensive experience in the county law director's office. He only has experience as Law Director since 9/1/2006. It is important to have some experience around to advise the new elected officials. He is an active Republican having served as precinct chairman of one of the Farragut wards for several years. That is important since the Knox County Blue Chairman did not field a blue candidate for Law Director. This one is up to the Red party to fill.

I think this could be a close race with Owings edging out Lockett in the end.

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