Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Brian's Blog Ensures An Open Process for the Finalist Selection

When the meeting finally started 7 meetings late at 7:52 p.m. the Board Chair announced that this selection would be different from the selection of the five from the twelve.

Board members were required to remain in their seats. They were required to sign their evaluation sheets. These were two issues that Brian's Blog raised immediately following last weeks meeting. Other blogs joined in as well as the Hubert Smith Radio Show on Sunday where Cindy Buttry and Thomas Deakins appeared.

Here at Brian's Blog we are doing our part to ensure that the citizens receive an open and transparent process.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Thank you, Brian's Blog for ensuring that the School Board and in particular the current Board Chair follow the law.

    You should receive an award for your efforts on behalf of Knox County citizens.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The only way that Donna could have gotten the appointment was if they were not forced to engage in an open and trasparent process.

    Why was Bobby Gratz operating like Shirley Underwood? He sat in on every interview and took notes to Donna and coached her. By 715 p.m. last night he looked like a middle school coach in a major league game, defeated, dejected and rejected.
