Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Scripps Employee Blogging a Controverisal Blog

Sandra Clark, E.W. Scripps employee and Editor of the Shopper News posted the following at 9 minutes after 12:00 a.m. this morning on the local liberal blog.

The Obama Factor
Submitted by Sandra Clark on Tue, 2008/03/11 - 12:09am.

What do Donna Wright and Hillary Clinton have in common?

How about a lack of respect for their life's work.

Bingelli = Obama
younger, cooler, smoother and totally untested.

For the Knox County school board to look past Wright's record toward a guy who can't even commit to come for his second interview because he may get a better offer someplace else, well, this is a joke.

But the joke's on us. -- s.

For Clark to draw a conclusion about a white professional to an African American politician with a Muslim background is simply wrong. Hopefully, her supervisors will encourage her to submit to diversity training.

We will continue to monitor it for any comment feedback that it receives. So far everyone is avoiding it like the plague.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I think you're taking this the wrong way. I think what Sandra is trying to say, trying to make the case for, is that this is an example of 'style over substance'. It would seem that Sandra is upset that Bingelli is favored over Donna Wright. That's all. Sandra is just giving voice to her feelings on the matter of selecting a new school supervisor.
    One thing I noticed in your posting that caused me to comment is "For Clark to draw a conclusion about a white professional to an African American politician with a Muslim background is simply wrong."
    I think you might have meant "comparision" rather than "conclusion". Perhaps, perhaps not. Minor quibble.
    My major quibble is the "...African American politician with a Muslim background is simply wrong."
    Brian, Obama isn't Muslim! Never has been. He's grandfather might have been but he isn't and his parents weren't either. The whole Obama is a Muslim smear has been debunked. Why keep it going? All it does is feed into anti-muslim bigotry. That Dueteronomy 5:20 thing also comes into play here.

