Sunday, March 09, 2008

Cindy Buttry and Thomas Deakins Reveal Their Finalist Votes

Both Cindy Buttry and Thomas Deakins members of the Knox County School Board appeared on the Hubert Smith Radio Show this afternoon. Cindy was questioned about the voting for the five finalist last week. The question was asked here at Brian's Blog that the secret voting last week could be a potential violation of the Open Meetings Act.

Walter Wojnar, a co-host with Hubert today asked Board member Buttry the candidates that she voted for. She revealed that she voted for Robert Thomas, Donna Wright, Eric Williams, Brian Bingelli and Anna Diaz, associate superintendent for Orange County schools in Florida. She included a sixth name of James McIntyre. She informed the consultant that if there were consensus on the board for Diaz or McIntyre. She would be fine with that. The consultant reported back that there was consensus for McIntyre.

When Thomas Deakins joined the interview, Hubert and Walter asked Mr. Deakins to reveal his votes. He said that Buttry hadn't revealed that earlier in the interview. He then asked Cindy if she had, she confirmed that she had given that information. Deakins revealed his five finalists were Robert Thomas, Donna Wright, Brian Bingelli, James McIntyre and Eric Williams.

Thanks to these two board members for being open and transparent in their voting. Now let's hope that the board does not resort to secret voting tomorrow evening in their votes for the three or fewer finalists.

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