Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ryan Haynes Website Launched

Ryan Haynes, a new Conservative Independent Republican is a candidate for State Representative in the 14th State House district. His campaign has launched their website. Check it out, here.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    The district has a history of weak leadership - should we expect more of the same from young Mr. Haynes?

  2. I would disagree that this district has a hostory of weak leadership. H.E. Bittle served in leadership in the house and Parkey has spent the last four years representing our best interest.

    The difference in this race is night and day in every way. Haynes has the Leadership, Core Beliefs, Work Ethic and Energy level to represent us.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Brian, the difference is not night and day.
    I know both of the outstanding candidates and to be honest we are in a win win situation. Look, you got young Republican Ryan with a fantastic belief and strong idealology and this amazing passion of energy.
    You got Dr. Baer with years of experience and a great awareness of the state structure!
    We got a race involving an ex-drug dealer's wife and the deadbeat taxpayer, who after BRIANS BLOG posted ran down to pay.
    We cannot become divided on this race. Do I have a favorite. Sure, but if either win I will be sleeping just fine. As a Republican I can say this race is the benchmark of caliber of what a candidates race should be!
    Dan Andrews

    Please note.
    The statements listed immediately above are the sole opinion of the noted writer of the above document.The information should be construed as an open opinion and information contained in this document represents facts to the best of the writers knowledge and should not be viewed as permanent certified fact but that as the way the information is interpreted by the opinion of the author.
