Friday, June 20, 2008

Signatures to be Thrown Out

Sources indicate that the first 352 -400 signatures of the Knox Accountability petitions will likely be contested and thrown out by the Knox County Election Commission. It appears that there is a state statute that states that in order to register to vote, to cast a vote that you must be of sound mind. The gathering of signatures at Sundown in the City where alcohol is involved is in violation of that state statute.

What does it say that they are gathering signatures only after people are intoxicated and 352-400 in an area where thousands gather every Thursday night during the spring and summer.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I'm with you. Why in the hell would you gather signatures for something like this at Sundown? This is just a small group of elite assholes who think they're better than the rest of us...

    To hell with them.

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Hold on. I heard that these people are going door to door and sitting inside the Lunch Box to collect KCP signatures so they cannot be protested.

    You are against KCP but for Sproles. Sproles owns the Lunch Box.

    What gives?

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hey Brian I wonder since Sproles owns the Lunchbox and it is a major huge resturant chain...does he offer his full time employees medical benefits? Would he advocate whatever his employees have on a County level?


  4. Dan,

    Sproles family owned business is not a major huge restaurant chain, it is a local business that employs citizens.

    How about Dr. Briggs? Does he offer hos private practice nurses and employees medical benefits? How about the St. Mary's employees, where he has served on the Board of Directors and set their budget and directed their day to day.

    Would he advocate whatever his empoyees and St.Mary's employees have on a county level? Including the jaintor at St.Mary's.

    Your arguement is flawed and you are attempting to hold Sproles to a standard that you can not hold Briggs to.

  5. The candidates that I support do not have to agree with me or me with them 100% of the time. I like the fact that Sproles left his professional training and license to operate a local business that employs people in our community. I like the fact that Sproles is from Knoxville and has been active in commununity affairs for a number of years, he is not a johnny come lately for a personal political reasons.

    The Lunchbox decision to have the petition in its restaurant is not a position advocating for or against. It is to allow the people to vote. While I may disagree with the petition. I believe that Sproles is running for the right reasons and has the communities best interest at heart.

  6. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I am not speaking for briggs at all but myself. That question was so important to me that I asked him that question personally when he was running in the primary.
    My philosophy is the govt should be run like a business. Brian isn't that what being a REPUBLICAN IS ALL ABOUT? The way a person runs their business is a good indicator in how they will run government.Mr Sproles being an INDEPENDENT we really dont know how he would run office so the only way to judge his philosophical merrits is by the actions which he coorilates to his business. Isn't that correct?
    I am digressing :) Without going into details Dr Briggs stated he does provide medical and has for his employees. Then again it's the medical field.
    If I see Sproles I will ask him the same question.I do not know the answer. However, to say it is small, I read the lunchbox website and it doesn't appear to be a mom or pop operation. Both stores have different managers. It has multiple locations and has a popular website which is listed in google suggestion box when you type lunchbox. Granted it ain't mcdonalds but it appears more then just mom and pop.

    My philosophy as a blogger is to ask ask give you an example Ryan Haynes I asked the tough marajuana for dying victims question. He had a great answer which is when I saw he would be a great candidate like Dr Baer...
    oh well Brian time to post my disclaimer since I am crazy enough to put my name to my posts.
    Dan Andrews
    The statements listed immediately above are the sole opinion of the noted writer of the above document.The information should be construed as an open opinion and information contained in this document represents facts to the best of the writers knowledge and should not be viewed as permanent certified fact but that as the way the information is interpreted by the opinion of the author.

  7. The question is do all the employees at St.Mary's have the same benefits of county employees. In your first question it was benefits that match the county. That would include vacation, holidays etc.

    I am just playing devils advocate, here.

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    oh definately, I really don't know that part of the answer. Never got that technical. However, in playing counter point...Dr Briggs has established himself as a REPUBLICAN. He has taken tough stands on important issues so we have a way of gauging what we are voting for in the Election!
    Sproles we do not have that luxury so we need to further delve into his business dealings. I mean all I know is he was on a radio show talking about raising taxes like a tax and spend Democrat!**cheap shot ha ha**
    Bringing it back to seriousness...this is the drawback to being an independent.
    Oh ya and Barrack Obama called...he said thanks for supporting the Democrats and wanna be democrats...your Obama 08 lawn sign is in the mail!
    now that is true Devils advocate ha ha
    Dan Andrews
    The statements listed immediately above are the sole opinion of the noted writer of the above document.The information should be construed as an open opinion and information contained in this document represents facts to the best of the writers knowledge and should not be viewed as permanent certified fact but that as the way the information is interpreted by the opinion of the author.
