Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fourth District Commission Candidate Forum

We have a George Herbert Walker Bush or a Don Sundquist in our Knox County midst. Ruthie Kuhlman tonight said that the next two years. She will NOT vote for a tax increase. However, she said that if she had been appointed on Black Wednesday she would have voted for the .08 property tax increase that the voters approved in the successful Sheriffs pension vote. With Kulhman's pledge if 9 other Commissioners join with her stance, Knox County will continue down the road to debt and no real retirement of the enormous debt that exists today.

Kulhman in responding to a question by citizen and successful businessman Walter Wojnar did not understand what role the County Commission has in annexations. Her opponent, Finbarr Saunders explained that the Urban Growth Boundary is approved by the County Commission. The point was made by moderator Gene Patterson that the original Urban Growth Boundary agreement is set to sunset and could come up for reconsideration within the next two years.

Steve Drevik, the Democrat candidate for Seat B made a good impression tonight. One is that he is the only Fourth District Commission candidate that lives in the county and not in the incorporated area of Knoxville.

All four candidates pledged to take office after the election is certified (August 17, 2008) especially, if advised by the law director. As always the leading candidates are Finbarr Saunders for Seat A and Ed Shouse for Seat B. Drevik did make a good impression tonight and has potential in future endeavors. Especially if he will move his ideology more to the center, by moving right.

About 50 citizens attended. 12 individuals were either candidates, moderators, media and the hosts Commissioners Elaine Davis and William Daniels. The moderators were WATE News Anchor Gene Patterson and Hubert Smith of the Hubert Smith Radio Show. As citizen Mike Mitchell was asking a question, Don Parnell interrupted Mitchell telling him to ask a question. This was Parnell's act of becoming moderator after obviously feeling like Patterson and Smith were not doing their job.

Parnell was a leader in the Knox Charter Petition Group. His rude and obnoxious behavior is a sign of the prevailing attitude of the Knox Accountability Group.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Hey since you missed the Farragut Community Alliance meet the candidate night let me bring you up to speed.
    First off, it was a great meet and get to know the candidate. For me one candidate definately swayed my vote. Let me recap my interactions so people get a general feel of the night.
    First off. I gained a ton of respect for Amy Vandergriff.
    Brian, reality is this. The hotter the fire, the stronger the steal. Iron sharpens iron.
    Both candidates have been through hell and back with their setbacks being villified in the media.
    However, the sad part is while everyone including me has been fascinated with the side dramas, has anyone been paying attention to their ideas to FIX the county Clerk's office?
    Amy showed up and was very informative. Her vision is strong and vivid. I admit I was on the fence on this one before the meeting however, after talking to her and listening to her plan I feel she deserves my vote. She gained alot of my respect by just showing up. She gained even more of my respect after I talked to her.

    Other stuff...
    I spoke with JJ Jones about 'craigslist crimes' and about tactical security on a certain issue (best security is security not talked about ha ha.)

    Had a fascinating conversation with Tyreese.

    Yes, I did speak with Don Sproles. Not about politics since my vote is already made up for the Republicans. We spoke about Knoxville Area Transit and the Farragut line. He was informative and detailed and cleared alot up for me.

    Spoke with Ryan Haynes and he showed me literally how worn out his shoes are. Spoke also with Baer. I am 100% proud of both these guys for keeping a clean and professional race!

    God Bless Sherri Witt! I see that girl everywhere!

    Bill Lockett was their and we chatted about his transition...

    thats about it, I can't forget to say what a great job the Farragut Community Alliance does

    In finis Daniel Andrews
