Monday, July 14, 2008

Leave Robin Smith Alone!!

Thanks to A.C. Kleinheider for posting this story and the video below in response to the Robin Smith incident of the Tennessee Democrats and Prince Phillip of Nashville picking on our State Republican Chairwoman, Robin Smith.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Uh ... I hate to be a bum kick and all, but I think this this video was intended as mocking satire. I watchewd it and laughed my keister off! I also don't think the young "lady" in the video is really a "lady" - if you know what I mean. Turn the volume down and look very closely at the young "lady."


  2. It is obviously satire in the Leave Brittney alone video that was made famous by Tennessee's own Chris Crocker.

    It is sad that you didn't get it right off the bat and that you think, we all don't know what it really is. LOL.

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Uh ... Ok, sorry I didn't get the joke. I thought you were attempting to support Robin Smith by showing the video not join in the mocking of her juvenile whining.


  4. Steve,

    The problem with you is that it can't be both. I was defending Robin but putting the video up by making fun of Chris Crocker's video in defending Robin. I was not mocking of her whining. Because she was not whining.

    You really should grow up and mature.
