Monday, September 15, 2008

Foster Arnett Violates "Normal" Knox County Hiring Process

On September 2, 2008 new County Clerk Foster Arnett terminated or demoted 8 employees of the Clerk's office. On September 3, 2008 new County Clerk Foster Arnett hired 5 employees to replace the employees that were eliminated or demoted.

A phone call this afternoon to Frances Fogerson, Senior Director of Human Resources and Policy Compliance for Knox County indicated to us that the standard operating procedure for hiring positions left vacant for any reason are 1) The job is posted. 2) The job is posted for 1-2 weeks. The posting always indicates the deadline for the application period. 3) A screening process is conducted. The screening process is to verify the minimum standards for the position. This typically is the education level achieved and work experience. After this has been completed the applications are given to the hiring supervisor. The HR department has completed it's process and it is up to the hiring supervisor to interview, screen and vetting of the applicants. The hiring supervisor then offers and a person accepts the position. The HR department then receives a new hire form indicating who the new hire is.

Why would Arnett knowingly violate the HR policy of Knox County? When did he allow all Knox County citizens to apply for these vacant positions? What vetting process did he use for these new employees? What happened to throwing the doors wide open to the Clerk's office? It appears that Arnett opened the door to kick a few out. He then opened the door to asked his cronies to come and work for Knox County and he immediately slammed the door shut.

Arnett, not a man of his word, not a man of the people.

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