Monday, September 15, 2008

News Sentinel Gets it Wrong Again

On September 12, 2008 the News Sentinel reported (here's the link) that 7 individuals were interested in being appointed to the General Sessions Court Judge Div. III position. The position left vacant when former General Sessions Judge Bob McGee took the Criminal Court Judge position that the citizens of Knox County elected him to on August 7, 2008.

Today, Brian's Blog received the candidate resumes from the Knox County Commission office and lo and behold there are 8, yes count them 8 resumes. It seems that a resume dated September 11, 2008 one day prior to the Sentinel's story was overlooked, disregarded or just plain ole ignored. The applicant that our dear daily paper left out is Attorney Mary Evars-Goan.

So, you can not rely on the team of Jack McElroy/Bruce Hartmann to report it factually. It all comes down to the team at Brian's Blog.

In alphabetical order the eight candidates are Mark Brown, Mary Evars-Goan, Del Holley, Patricia Hall Long, Glenna Overton, John Owings, Randy Reagan and Chad B. Tindell.

Brian's Blog is considering a non endorsement of one candidate. Send in your predictions and you may win a mighty fine prize.


  1. Anonymous1:51 AM

    I predict Chad B. Tindell!
    He's tough on crime!
    He's hangin' CHAD!


  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    That is not all the Sentinel got wrong:

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Hard to say who the biggest idiot on County Commission is, but it looks like Lumpy Lambert.

    You have got to see what Lumpy Lambert said, check this out from the KNS comment section:

    The KNS story reads, "Lambert said he was "pretty strongly attacked" at the Powell Republican Club meeting earlier this week. He also has received phone calls, including some involving "racial slurs."


    Since when is Lumpy Lambert any kind of expert on race relations?

    Remember when Lumpy Lambert accosted Cynthia Finch at the podium in a County Commissioner meeting?

    And of course this classic when a local citizen reads Lumpy Lambert the riot act over his comments on race relations.

    So when did Lumpy Lambert become the KNS expert on race relations? And why would Mark Brown want Lumpy Lambert's help?
