Saturday, September 20, 2008

Full Disclosure About Communication With R. Larry Smith

As my team reported on Thursday. R. Larry Smith lost total control and hung up on me before I could ask him a question. I was irritated that an elected official would hang up on a tax paying citizen. Especially one that he had attacked at the Commission meeting. So, I immediately sent Smith an email. I wanted him to know what my question was that he hung up on me before I was able to ask it. I really want him to answer it. Because I sent it to his Knox County email address, it is open for public inspection. Here is the email that I sent to R. Larry.

The email is entitled Thanks and was sent at 4:47 p.m. on September 18, 2008.


Thanks for hanging up on me. If you are man enough to answer it, my question to you is. What did you think of the allegations and innuendo that Chad Tindell said about me in March 2005?

Here was Chad's attempt less than two years ago to apologize. This was sent on 10/21/2006 at 4:08 a.m.

I'm sure you have (or will) see today's KNS. Thanks to Tyler Harber and Sandra Clark, the private emails from and to me, Tammy Miller, Susie Alcorn, Gary Drinnen, Frank Cagle, Georgiana Vines, Sandra Clark, Bob Davis and others are posted on the KNS website. I tried to point out that the contents of the various emails were not relevant, but how they were obtained was relevant. That doesn't sell papers.

I am fairly certain Tyler provided you with copies of these various emails back at the time. I simply want to apologize for some of my more pointed comments about you. I had worked my tail off, built up the party and it seemed like it had been torn down in one day. I was mad. I didn't think you had been honest with me. I think it's pretty clear that dealing with Harber wasn't a wise move. I've told you all this before.

However, none of this excuses some comments I made. I can make a public apology, but I'm not sure it does any good. I later told you I would help you however I could. It's been a year and a half. I have publicly complimented your leadership. Just know that I do regret some of my comments back at the time. Republicans have had a good far. I just hope November elections go well.


R., If you are man enough, respond to my question.

In my opinion, you would have NEVER made a comment if I were still standing in the back of the Main Assembly Room during the public forum portion of the hearing.

Brian Hornback

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For the record, R. Larry has NOT responded to my email. However, you read it here first. I want to fully disclose what I have done.

In R. Larry's world, he has secrets that he doesn't talk publically about.

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