Friday, September 12, 2008

Knox County Clerk's Office

This is the first in a series concerning the operation of the Knox County Clerk's office.

This week we have been examining the public personnel records of the Knox County Clerk's office, following the changing of the guard to new Clerk Foster Arnett. As you will recall. Arnett fired 8 experienced employees and hired 5 cronies.

In the hiring of the 5 employees he disclosed that 4 of them would receive a $450 a month travel allowance. In reviewing the public personnel records, Brian's Blog has discovered that 9 additional Clerk employees also receive a $450 a month travel allowance. Arnett did NOT disclose that a total of 13 employees in the Clerk's office will receive this $450 a month travel allowance. That brings the total of travel allowances to $5,850 a month or $70,200 a year.

That is a significant amount of gasoline for an office that simply collects fees for licenses and business taxes.

The four new employees that are receiving the travel allowance are

Bruce Whiteaker
Pat Sullivan
Bill Skaggs
Peggy Kane

The nine current employees that are receiving the travel allowance are

Wanda Bailey
Kimberly Brewer
Stephen Elder
Carolyn Heiskell
Wendy Iturbe
Jack Kerr
Terry Miller
Phil Reagan
Mellissa Webb

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