Wednesday, September 10, 2008

News Sentinel To Increase Its Daily Price

Sources within the metal shed on the hill inform us that effective September 15, 2008 the News Sentinel will increase it's daily rate 25 cents raising the price per paper to 75 cents. The Sunday paper will remain at $2.00 a copy. Just a few months ago they reduced the amount of paper by decreasing the size of the actually newspaper. Now they are raising the daily price.

So, now our little local paper will be the same rack price as USA Today. What gives? Our sources indicate that it is necessary for them to raise the daily paper price due to decreased sales and subscriptions and because it is necessary to pay for the Jack McElroy Sunshine lawsuit that was filed in Chancery Court last year.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I understand your issues with the KNS (don't agree, but ... it's OK), however, you shouldn't knock the KNS too much. You should see what passes for a daily paper here! It's pretty sorry. I definitly miss the KNS out here. I don't even think the Wichita paper is as good.


  2. Brian,
    Could the increase in price have anything to do with the PILOT audit that KNS is undergoing? In that they are required to employ a certain number of people in order to maintain their PILOT and they need the funds to hire and pay salaries for those individuals? Just a thought. Elaine

  3. Elaine that is a GREAT point. Especially if they realize that they could be on the hook for a return of $55 million dollars to the tax payers.
