Wednesday, November 05, 2008

R. Larry Smith Scared Out Of The Seventh District

Last night as it became apparent that Knox County Charter Amendment #3 had passed. R. Larry Smith began talking about how only 1 Commissioner would represent the Seventh District. Successful Powell business woman Lillian Williams encountered R. Larry as they were attending the same gathering. Sources indicate that Mrs. Williams informed Smith face to face that she intends to run and it is impossible for him to out work her. He said we will see. She reassured him that he would not be able to outwork her.

Sources indicate that Smith began calling developers today in seeking early commitments for funds to run for one of the two at large County Commission seats.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Yes, he will get more of his developer money, you know Graham will donate to the (I mean his) cause.
    I don't think Smith would win the at-large seat, and we know he wouldn't win the 7th district seat.
    Williams surely isn't the one for the 7th district, hopefully McMillan will get that seat. If he wants to ba an overworked, part-time commissioner.

  2. Larry had better raise a lot of funds and develop a lot of friends in West Knoxville. Because, it's going to be tough to beat someone out of the 4th or 5th district from those at-large races.
