Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thomas Deakins Should Resign Immediately

UPDATE: If the calendar is not a pressing educational issue. What about the schools operatiing budget? What about the schools Cafeteria budget? What about the Great Schools Partnership budget? Are those pressing educational budgets? We think so. But evidently Mr. Deakins does not. He missed the April 28, 2008 meeting where the board voted on those three budgets.

Original Post: 11/5/08 6:46 p.m. Thomas Deakins at tonight's school board meeting stated that we should just pass the calendar and move onto more pressing educational issues. Cindy Buttry reminded him that without a calendar there is no educational process.

Thomas Deakins obviously has his plate full with his job (having missed critical board workshops and meetings), his large family and he should resign immediately to allow someone in the Sixth district that believes that all board agenda items are important to the educational process.

On motion of Bill Phillips, the calendar was postponed until the next scheduled board meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Brian, I would be interested in your view on the fiscal aspect of the school calendar.

    When the superintendent has made it clear that for every week we are not in school in August the system would save up to $50,00, why would not one school board member discuss this point? Why would they spend the entire time they have to discuss this issue talking about fall break, or what day of the week we start school, or that teacher's want a full week of fall break?

    Where is their fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers? To the students that they are denying $50,000 a week that could be put into academic programs?

    I am so angry that no one on the board seems willing to make tough decisions in a time of great economic difficulty. We are all tightening our belts, why shouldn't the school board be doing the same with OUR money for OUR children?
