Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It Will Be Black Wednesday All Over Again

Last evening the Knox County Commission decided that on January 26, 2009 they will replace Commissioner Scott Moore. Nearly two years ago, January 31, 2007 a day that Knox County Commission attempted to replace term limited officials. Following that day, Walter Wojnar named it Black Wednesday. The Knoxville News Sentinel and nearly everyone else took the term as their own.

The 2009 version of Black Wednesday will happen if and when the Knox County Commission appoints Michele Carringer to the Seventh District Commission Seat. First as we have already pointed out it will smack of cronyism as she is the daughter of Knox County Republican Party Chair Irene McCrary.

The second flashback to Black Wednesday 2007 will be that it will result in an appointee that is currently employed by the Knox County General Sessions, Circuit and Juvenile Court Clerk's office. On Black Wednesday 2007 Cathy Quist employee Sharon Cawood was appointed and now if Carringer is appointed it would result in another Cathy Quist employee being appointed. Today, we confirmed with three Brian's Blog sources that Carringer is employed in Quist's office.

So, Black Wednesday 2009. Here we come!

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