Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reaction to County Commission Meeting

Last night the Knox County Commission debated and ultimately voted on earmarking dollars for the Minvilla Manor, a homeless housing facility to be located in the former Fifth Avenue Motel at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Broadway.

The minority opposition was led by County Commissioner Mark Harmon. Former County Commission candidate Walter Wojnar in response said. “How ironic is it that the biggest bleeding heart liberal on County Commission desires to put restrictions on the homeless.”


  1. Brian,
    You're leaving a lot out of this posting. First, the 5th Avenue Hotel is located in the 2nd District. Secondly, ALL facilities for aiding the homeless and disadvantaged are located in and around 5th and Broadway. As a former resident of the 2nd District I was more than a little concerned about the possibility of that area becoming the dumping ground for the homeless. That's why Comm. Harmon is opposed to expansion of Homeless facilities there. There seems to be absolutley no effort made build any new facilties anywhere but the 5th and Broadway area.
    How about Farragut stepping up to the plateand helping out "the least among you"?


  2. It seems logical to me that the homeless should be near the area where they can receive services. I have no issue with Farragut taking their share. However, how much would it cost to commute them there and back to the area where they can receive services and assistance.

    I assume that you mention Farragut because you think I live there. I don't.

  3. Brian,
    First, I didn't mention Farragut becuase I thought you lived there. I know you don't. I don't know where you live, except that it's in West Knoxville somewhere. I mentioned Farragut because it has a reputation of being 'uppercrusty' - whether that is deserved or not I neither know nor care.
    Your 'logic' points out the present problem -- ALL the homeless services are currently located in the 5th and Broadway area. There is no reason, other than NIMBY, why shelters (temporary housing) and services could not also be located in other areas as well as the current facilities located in the 5th and Broadway area.
    Why do they ALL have to be in the 5th and Broadway area? Keep the ones that exist of course, but why can't new facilities be built/obtained in other areas of the city/county? That's the question and the one that Comm. Harmon was trying to address. The fear in the 2nd District is that the 5th and Broadway area will continue to be used (and expanded) as a dumping ground "for the least among you."


  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Did you see this?

    Sam McKenzie calls Jack Mac out.


    Looks like that tax bill was a lot bigger than $20,000.

    So how did the KNS get buy without penalty and interest? Something stinks.

  5. Anonymous8:56 AM

    There is no reason, other than NIMBY, why shelters (temporary housing) and services could not also be located in other areas as well as the current facilities located in the 5th and Broadway area.

    There is a reason, it is called bus transportation. Most of these people are not from here. They arrive by bus. The bus station is downtown. Hence the shelters are near the bus station.

    It would be costly to chauffeur them all over Knox County. Why should we? That is stupid. They should be sent back to where they came from. Or Kansas. Why don't you take your fair share?
