Saturday, February 28, 2009

You're Welcome Jack. But You Still Need To Hit The Road, Jack

This morning's News Sentinel acknowledges that we were right in yesterday's post. And the Editor has corrected it on page A2 in the bottom right hand corner. "The three members of the Knox County school board ethics committee voted to censure board member Bill Phillips. Two of the panel's members voted to ask him to step down, while one voted no. The votes were misstated in an editorial in Friday's editions." So, to the Editor that consistently gets it wrong admits that he got it wrong again. We say "You're Welcome Jack. But you still need to hit the road and don't come round here no more, no more, no more." If all Scripps wants to do is to continue having two successful newspapers in Florida and in Knoxville one that is barely surviving. They need to keep the current Editor around. But, here is the future of newspapers. A 52 week high stock price of $11.35 (5-23-2008) to a 52 week low stock price of $1.05 (2-28-2009). It closed yesterday at $1.05.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Don Williams calls for Jack McElroy to resign. Feb. 28, 2009.

    'Sadly, that double standard is what the News-Sentinel has long engaged in. Those responsible have had ample time to clean up their acts before now. At one point, the NS website allowed people to post the street address of a fellow columnist who shall remain nameless, but who had taken a controversial stand. Eventually, he was able to get the post taken down, but the NS online policies remain bush league. You don't see death threats and dishonest character smears at websites of other major newspapers.

    These are despicable practices, and the webmaster should resign, along with the editor, for allowing such hate speech and incitements to violence.'
