Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Associate - John Grisham

I obtained The Associate the latest by John Grisham as soon as it was available. However, I was not immediately able to read it. I have just completed reading the book. It is different from the typical Grisham novel in that normally the main character is involved with their clients. In this book the main character Kyle McAvoy is forced into the story line.

The ending comes quick and your left with either accepting the ending or coming to your own conclusion. Kyle asks the question about the likely ending and another character suggested another possibility. So you are left to determine what you think the person worked for or their motive.

I enjoyed this Grisham novel. I am an avid Grisham fan, having read everything he has published. I even purchased all the Oxford American magazines to read The Painted House, which is how it was first published over a year through the Oxford American magazines. The Painted House has been in paperback form for several years.

1 comment:

  1. Too cheap to buy hardcover2:50 PM

    can't wait to read it - is it in paperback yet? I'm a great fan too (except for his "Playing for Pizza").
