Friday, May 01, 2009

Pilot's Free Friday Sentinel Coming to an End?

Sources inform us that today may be the last day that you will receive a Free Friday News Sentinel at Pilot gas stations.

It seems the promotion that began prior to the son and brother of the owner and operator of Pilot becoming Mayor of Knoxville has become costly and the mutual benefits for Pilot and the News Sentinel have not been achieving it's high level of return.

The question is how does E.W. Scripps that has maintained a monopoly in this town for a decade or more now become a paper of little to no significance?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    If this is true, look for the Sentinel to go to three days a week in print.

    Rumor is the name will be changed also.

    It will soon be called "The Knoxville Tri-Weakly".
