Monday, July 27, 2009

Brian's Blog Coverage Contributes to 30 Day Postponement

Because of our coverage last week, here, of Mayoral employee Todd Cook. The Knox County Commission today postponed any action for 30 days on moving Pre-Trial to the Sheriff's department.

In 2003, all the Judges, District Attorney General said it should be moved to the Mayor's office. Now, that Todd Cook needs to get out of the Mayor's office. It is suddenly a good idea to move it back to the Sheriff.

Last week, Todd Cook approached a lunch table where Brian Hornback and a County Commissioner were having lunch and boasted that Sheriff Jones told him not to show up to today's meeting and that there were already 17 votes for the movement. Brian Hornback asked Sheriff Jones if this statement by Cook was accurate and he stated it was not. So, now Todd Cook is a known liar.

Todd Cook on the previous post with the videos attached was found to be a known liar. By the statements of our fine District Attorney General, Randy Nichols. Now with Sheriff Jones comments Todd Cook is found to be a known liar. He gets so emotional when questioned by County Commission that Mayoral employee Dwight Van de Vate has to put his arm around him, usher him from the room and instruct Commission that they can not ask Cook any additional questions.

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