Sunday, July 26, 2009

State Senator Paul Stanley Finds a Friend in Campfield

While Republicans were being quiet or reserved in their criticism of State Senator Paul Stanley's romp in the bed with a 21 year old intern. One legislator, State Representative Stacey Campfield (as reported here) was openly defensive of Stanley's actions, even in some opinions almost boasting of Stanley's actions.

The picture to the left is the Stanley family Christmas picture from 2007. Even today he has his family photograph on his website, check it out here.

Campfield is single. Stanley is married with two young children. Even though he may be in the midst of marriage problems and a possible divorce. Is this the way that Stanley believes that he is to demonstrate responsibility to his young children? Time will tell if the citizens of the State Senate district that Campfield wants to represent as State Senator will agree with Campfield's defense of Stanley.

1 comment:

  1. From the article you link

    said Campfield. "I am not condoning what he (Stanley) did in any way, shape or form."
