Monday, July 13, 2009

Silent Partner by Dina Matos McGreevey

So, we have established that I enjoy reading mostly non-fiction especially if it involves biographies of political figures. I enjoy business books like Jim Collins and John Kotter. The only fiction that I really read are John Grisham and Vince Flynn.

So, I was at McKay's one day and found the biography of Governor Jim McGreevey. He is the former New Jersey Governor that served like two and a half years. He resigned in disgrace because his homosexual lover was blackmailing him for something like $50 million dollars. At the time McGreevey was married to his second wife and the mother of his second child. He fathered a child by his first wife.

At the same moment that I found his book. I found his second wife's book. So I bought them both. After talking with my good friend Jake, we both concluded that I should read her book first. I just completed it. Now, I am not looking forward to reading his book because she details lies in his book.

But, then again if you are married and have an adulterous affair with a same sex partner. Isn't your whole life and existence a lie? I digress. Dina and Governor McGreevey were married almost four years. I say almost because the four year anniversary was October 7, 2005 and he had announced in August he was resigning and they parted ways from the Governor's mansion on November 15, 2005. As of early 2007 they were still not divorced. He wasn't acting quickly for some reason.

It is a fascinating read. She appears real and forthright. I will reserve reaction to her ex-husband after I read his biography. By the way, Governor McGreevey is/was a Democrat. If that means anything to any of you.

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