Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Happens When You Host The Bistro and No One Shows

Here is the link for tomorrow's Farragut Shopper News. It is interesting to note that there is NO column for "The Bistro Buzz" as you can see below from last weeks Shopper News that Karen Carson was to be the host. This would normally have been John Griess week. But, John and his family are on a much deserved vacation. So, Shopper News Editor Sandra Clark arranged for Carson to guest host. As you can see it was advertised in last weeks paper as a reminder to Carson to show up.

So, when Carson showed up and no citizen or anyone else appeared there was nothing to write and publish. Thus, the Buzz isn't and wasn't buzzing. Recently when two other school board members appeared at The Buzz there were a page or more of newsprint. Sixth district Thomas Deakins and Third district Cindy Buttry. There is a difference in being effective and ineffective. It seems Carson is ineffective not only with school board actions but when she is to appear at the Buzz, it comes up with not one word, picture or substance printed in the Shopper.

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