Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Lunch at the Haslam's

As we check in at the Haslam family lunch this Sunday afternoon, we hear the youngest Haslam boy, William (they call him Bill or Billy) say "Daddy, yesterday I tried but the contest was won by that bully up in Sullivan County and that guy that everybody loves from Chattanooga. I talked to Tommy on the way home and he said that you, daddy will have to buy me Davidson County. I want it, I want it, I want it. Daddy buy me love and support in Davidson County." This is what William (called Bill or Billy) is begging his daddy for as recorded in this mornings Tennessean.

While, no word on if Daddy will buy Davidson County this early in the contest. A phone call was made to Little Jack Mc and assurances were made and there be no word of this contest printed in the daily bird cage liner known as the News-Sentinel.

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