Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Briggs and Cosby Do As We Say, Not as We Do!

The Knox County Ethics Committee met today to select new committee members. One of the questions all candidates was required to answer was, Do you intend to seek political office? The expectation was that the committee did not want someone that had political aspirations. That's a good thing. Right?

Well, what about Richard Briggs and Lewis Cosby? They are both members of the Knox County Ethics Committee. Briggs intends to run for re-election to the Knox County Commission next year. Also, Cosby has been rumored to be a candidate for Knox County Mayor. So, if both of these gentlemen believed in the standard imposed on all the citizens seeking appointment today. Then they should resign from the ethics committee, immediately. Or do they both subscribe to the Do as I say, Not as I do? Knox County is waiting gentlemen, what will it be?

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