Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Knox County Ethics Committee Fails To Do It's Job

This morning the Knox County Ethics Committee voted to fill one seat on the Knox County Ethics Committee. Ethics Committee Member Elaine Davis was not allowed to deliberate or vote as the position that she now maintains was scheduled to be the second seat appointed today. So, two seats were up for appointment. The two positions generated 24 applicants, only 17 continued their commitment through this morning. After hearing from all applicants and asking questions of them. The Chair announced that the committee would fill the position held by Ron Stewart, it is a 3 year term. Of the 8 participating members two members chose Mae Killebrew-Mosley and the other 6 voted for different individuals. On the second vote Elaine Davis garnered 3 votes Mosley garnered 2 votes and three other individuals received votes. On the 3rd vote it was tied 4 votes for Davis, 4 votes for Mosley. On the 4th vote, it was tied 4 votes for Davis, 4 votes for Mosley.

Committee member Julia Tucker made a motion that both Elaine Davis and Mae Killebrew-Mosley be elected. Committee Member Carson Daley seconded it and the committee unanimously elected both Elaine Davis and Mae Killebrew-Mosley to Ron Stewart's seat. The Chair never entertained a motion to fill the seat previously held by Elaine Davis.

Joe Jarrett, Attorney and employee of Knox County Law Director Bill Lockett mingled and socialized with members of the audience during the applicants interview process. At the time of the vote Jarrett never attempted to direct the committee with a proper use of the Roberts Rules of Order procedure.

The correct process that should have been followed would have been to continue taking votes until one candidate received 5 votes. Then a motion for Elaine Davis position would be entertained and a candidate would be elected. Because in the way it was handled, the Committee members were not allowed to nominate their second choice.

In addition to the muddled process, there were notes flying between at least one spectator and a committee member during the interview process, which should not have been allowed. The citizens that were not considered for the second seat were treated to a hap hazard way of running an appointment process.

The only person that was not guilty of the hap hazard appointment process of the committee was Elaine Davis the committee member that abstained from the discussion and voting process.

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