Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monday Will Bring The Governor's Race to East TN

Tomorrow the Blount Education Initiative will hold a community forum for the gubernatorial candidates to explore and discuss the topic of “Making Education Tennessee’s Top Priority: The Roles of State Government, Local Governments, and all Tennessee Citizens.”

The event begins at 6:50 p.m. in the auditorium of William Blount High School at 219 County Farm Road in Maryville, Tenn. The public is invited to attend the forum and will be encouraged to participate in an open dialogue with the candidates.

The following gubernatorial candidates have committed to participate in the forum:

U.S. Rep. Zach Wamp (Republican)
Mayor Bill Haslam (Republican)
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey (Republican)
Former Tennessee House of Representatives Majority Leader Kim McMillan (Democrat)

The BEI website is located here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Should someone from the Wamp or Ramsey campaign file a complaint that there is a huge conflict of interest with Pilot and the Knoxville News Sentinel? First, Pilot stations give out free newspapers every Friday. And, second, in yesterday's Sunday edition of the KNS, Haslam wrote a "guest editorial" which was tantamount to a position statement on education issues. Also it should be brought out that City and County employees as well as Rural metro all gas up at Pilot. With Haslam being City mayor that is a huge conflict of interest.
    I guess the fact that the Sentinel has its own sweetheart of a deal PILOT (Payment-in-lieu-of-Taxes) in which we the taxpayers built their new site and building and can keep it all for pennies in 2011, could be one of the biggest reasons the Haslams get such great press--it's bought and paid for.
