Monday, October 26, 2009

"The Voters Are Watching"...Amy Broyles

In a bizarre twist today as County Commissioners and Elected Officials entered the Large Assembly Room for the County Commission. Amy Broyles of the Second District approached each Commissioner and handed a plastic eye ball. On the back of the eyeball, Broyles had written with a magic marker "The Voters are watching...." The magic marker didn't last long as it markings rubbed off quickly.

At least one County Commissioner and one Countywide Elected Official gave me their eyeball. I have photographed one of the eyeballs for you to see.

So, since Amy has reminded us that the voters are watching. Here is what the voters have seen. The voters have discovered that the reason that Amy Broyles is campaigning for Gerry Holman, the Republican for City Council instead of Brenda Palmer, the Democrat for City Council is because Palmer's husband Don Palmer was an active supporter of Broyles 2008 opponent Cortney Piper. Talk about being a sore loser.

The voters also discovered that today while the Commission was conducting it's business. Broyles and her colleague Commissioner Mark Harmon were talking and referring to Harmon's computer. Clearly they were deliberating to a conclusion. Brian's Blog is working on additional information that the voters have discovered on Broyles. So, yes the voters are watching you, Broyles.

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