Monday, February 15, 2010

Breaking News: Fred Sisk Withdraws from Trustee Race

Tonight at the Halls Republican Club meeting, the members were waiting to hear from Trustee Fred Sisk, Trustee candidate John Duncan and County Commissioner Bud Armstrong. Bud Armstrong went first. Then, Fred Sisk got up to speak. He told a golfing joke and then he announced that he had been waging this campaign and he had encouragement to get in the race and get his head in it. He said I am announcing first here that I will not run for election for Trustee. My heart just is not in it. He then discussed the office. When he concluded the 100 or so members present gave him a standing ovation. John Duncan then spoke and the meeting adjourned. Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog used his twitter account to break the news. The only media present tonight was Brian's Blog represented by Brian Hornback and Dan Andrews blogger of Political Leverage. Even the Halls Slopper News was not in attendance.

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