Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents Day 2010 - Abraham Lincoln

Today is Presidents Day. Of all the Presidents let's review Abraham Lincoln. He was born February 12, 1809 and was the first President to be assassinated. He died at the age of 65 on April 15, 1865. His home state is Illinois. His political party is Republican, he served as President from 1861-1865. His Vice Presidents were Hannibal Hamlin and Andrew Johnson. He was preceded by James Buchanan and succeeded by Andrew Johnson. His wife was Mary Todd Lincoln, she came from a very wealthy family. He proposed to Mary Todd one year after they (1839) met in Springfield. Her family opposed the marriage because Abraham came from a poor background. They had four children, Robert Todd, Edward, Willie and Tad. Only Robert Todd survived into adulthood. Abraham was an unaffiliated Christian as he never obtained church membership in a denomination. He created the national banking system with the National Banking Act in 1863 which created a standardized currency. He suffered with deep depression even though he would tell stories and jokes to family and friends. He was the tallest President, standing 6 ft 4 inches. His mother died of milk sickness. His father remarried a widow, Abraham was very close to his stepmother. He ran a store in New Salem. Even though has was strong, a talented wrestler and proficient with an ax he disliked harming and killing animals, even for food. Lincoln was the first President to have a beard. One week before his assassination Lincoln had a dream that someone was crying in the White House. When he found the person he asked who had died they said him. He looked in the casket and saw himself. Lincoln owned horses, cats, dogs and a turkey.

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