Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Brian Hornback Unites Larry Smith and Sandra Clark

Commissioner Larry Smith and E.W. Scripps employee Sandra Clark have come together to support one candidate to oppose Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog for the position of Republican State Executive Committeeman District Six. The candidate that they have chosen picked up his petition and named a Treasurer today. The candidates wife is an employee of Property Assessor Phil Ballard's office. Numerous phone calls were received today saying that his wife was taking the petition through the City County Building asking individuals to sign it while she was on the county payroll and while the employees were working on county time. Property Assessor Ballard contacted this evening said that this is not an activity that he condones and that he has been in Nashville the past couple of days on county business.

Republican State Executive Committeeman candidate Brian Hornback in responding to the reports of this particular candidate said, "I look forward to contrasting and comparing my record of success in leading the Knox County GOP along with my combined 28 plus years of grassroots involvement within our Knox County Republican Party to my potential opponents short stint of residency in Knox County." Hornback also said "I am humbled and value voter support from all across our district, however, I am NOT the candidate of the City County buildings good ole boy network as evidenced by my signed qualifying petition" Hornback's petition is signed from individuals all over the Sixth district. Hornback's campaign has a Facebook group page (here) that is already impressive in the number of members supporting his candidacy.

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