Thursday, March 25, 2010

Candidate Meet & Greet Exposed Differences in the Seventh

Tonight the Candidate Meet & Greet was held at the Knoxville Expo Center. 50 candidates running for everything from Republican / Democrat State Executive Committee to Governor were set up. The biggest discussion came from the candidates for County Commission Seventh District, it seems that Larry Smith a former Republican Party Chairman from back in the 90's has informed individuals that he likes Second District Commission Democrat candidate Amy Broyles for election to that seat. While Michele Carringer another Seventh District Republican candidate was rumored to have attended Don Daugherty's Tuesday reception. Daugherty, a former Knox County Democrat Chairman is running as an Independent for the same seat that Broyles is seeking. All of this going on while Lillian Williams another Republican candidate for the Seventh District Commission seat just continued talking to the voters.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Thanks for the plug, Brian. Smith's support of Ms. Broyles is telling, and I doubt most 7th District voters approve. There's a bit of a misperception about my reception the other night. There was pretty much an equal number of Democrats and Republicans present. In fact, not only did we have a number of officeholders in attendance - DA Randy Nichols, 4 City Council members, 3 Commissioners - but we had supporters of a number of Republican county wide officeholders and district candidates, including supporters of each of the three 7th District candidates. I'm extremely proud of the cross-section of support that my campaign is receiving from both parties and from folks who have never been involved in politics.

    Don Daugherty
