Monday, March 01, 2010

Did Election Administrator Violate the Spirit Of His Office?

Scott Frith the Deputy Administrator of Elections is quoted in this Knoxville News-Sentinel article today as the complainant about a giveaway card from Republican candidate for Knox County Clerk Debbie Cole. Greg Mackay, the only Supervisor that Frith answers to has launched an investigation according to the article written by Scott Barker.

Frith should NOT be attending partisan events whether they be Republican or Democrat. As his appearance and purchase of a ticket to the Republican fundraising dinner constitutes a contribution to the Knox County Republican Party. Now, if he received a free ticket from someone than that is a violation of the Knox County Ethics Policy. So, it is problematic that Frith who along with Mackay run and operate the election appears to be attacking a candidate that is challenging an incumbent Republican officeholder. Can Debbie Cole receive a fair election with the #2 person in the election commission launching questions of appropriateness?

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