Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Haslam is Not Ready for Prime Time

Haslam says that he will NOT put his Pilot interest in a blind trust. This is yet another example of the arrogance of Haslam. He doesn't see the conflict of being Governor and his family business being one the most state regulated business. Fuel, Beer, lottery tickets just to name three. Come one Bill, do us all a favor go out there and "open truck stops, good ones" and leave the running of state government to the individuals without conflicts.

1 comment:

  1. Brian my dad keeps current with things and he is the average voter. When dad started telling me how negative he felt towards Haslam's refusal, I realized how deep Haslams troubles are. Gibbons is doing an excellent job with the sound bites! Basically what he can't spend on ads he gets in free publicity...
