Sunday, April 11, 2010

Brian Hornback Ventures Into Print Media

This Thursday, when you pick up your copy of The Knoxville Journal or check it out online here you will find an article written by Brian Hornback. As a free lance writer Hornback was approached about the idea of writing for The Knoxville Journal. Unlike Brian's Blog with The Knoxville Journal, Hornback will write stories based on subjects assigned by the papers management. Hornback said, "I am looking forward to this new venture. Working with Knoxville's oldest newspaper which is also independently and locally owned is an honor."


  1. AHallsGuy5:30 PM

    This is great, I will begin buying the Journal every week now.

    You know now that you are doing this that in addition to Sandra Clark always trying to stab you in the back that now your pal Steve Hunley with the Knoxville Focus may start doing that to you also?

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Congratulations: looking forward to reading what you have to say. I also hope you can improve the TKJ.
