Sunday, April 11, 2010

Public Trust Endorsements

The Public Trust has made endorsements for the following candidates. Knox County Mayor they endorse Republican Tim Burchett; Knox County Clerk they endorse Republican Foster Arnett; In the Knox County Commission Eighth District they endorse Republicans Duane Bias and Dave Wright; In the Knox County Commission Ninth District they endorse Republican Mike Brown; In the Knox County Commission At Large Seat 11 contest they endorse Republicans Richard "Bud" Armstrong and Ed Shouse; In the School Board Seventh District they endorse Charlotte Dorsey and Kim Sepesi; In the School Board Ninth District they endorse Tammy Sommers and Pam Trainor.

The Public Trust does not consider endorsements in uncontested races and in the Sheriffs race they did not endorse in the Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones and Steve Hart Republican primary. They also did not endorse in the Seventh District County Commission Republican primary where Commissioner Michelle Carringer, Robert Lawrence Smith and Lillian Williams are running against each other.

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