Monday, February 07, 2011

Election Commission Change UP

The Knox County Republican Legislative Delegation is getting ready for the next legislative session. Sources indicate that discussions are already under way about the make up of the Knox County Election Commission. Currently there are three Republicans and two Democrats.

The two Democrats are recommended by Democrat State Representatives Joe Armstrong and Harry Tindell. It is likely that Election Commission Secretary Cassandra McGee Stuart and Cameron Brooks would be re-appointed.

The three Republicans that currently serve are Attorney Chris Heagerty. Heagerty is with the law firm of Hodges, Doughty and Carson. Heagerty is currently serving as Chairman of the Election Commission. The longest serving member is Dr. Paul Crilly, Crilly is a faculty member at the University of Tennessee. The junior member is Attorney Bob Bowman. Bowman is with the law firm Kramer, Rayson LLP, Attorneys at Law.

Sources indicate that Crilly is on his way out, he may ask not to be considered again. But the preliminary work behind the scenes is to put Attorney E. Michael "Breezy" Brezina III in to replace Crilly. Brezina is with the law firm of Hodges, Doughty and Carson. So, that would put three Attorneys on the Election Commission, all Republican Attorneys. Additionally that would place two Attorneys from the same law firm. Why? Well, some courthouse insiders believe that the backers of Brezina believe that if they placed two Attorneys from Hodges, Doughty and Carson that the action would help build the bridge that was burned when Albert J. Harb, one of the firms Attorneys was kicked out as Tax Delinquent Attorney for the Trustees office when new Trustee John Duncan III was sworn in and replaced Harb with an in house Attorney, which is former 2003-2005 Knox County Republican Party Chairman Chadwick Tindell.

It is not expected that the Knox County Republican Legislative Delegation will make the change as early as late March or as late as early May. But, the first one out of the gate normally wins. As Bowman was seen being introduced by former State Representative H.E. Bittle and visiting with legislators in February 2009, the selection was in April 2009.


  1. Fox Rara7:18 PM

    Objectively it looks like Tindell is the kid that got picked last for kickball and will do whatever he can to be part of the 'cool' kids.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Doesn't Brezina's brother work for Duncan in the Trustee's office?

  3. Yes. His brother is Zach Brezina. An employee of the Trustee's office
