Monday, February 07, 2011

Marilyn Roddy Unfairly Attacked By Knox Focus

Earlier this morning I posted about the Knox Focus changing it's mission by publishing a vile, disgusting "political analysis" on page A3 of today's edition. Attacking a former State Representative and several others. Upon reading this bird cage liner material a second time, it sticks out that City Councilwoman and Mayoral candidate Marilyn Roddy has been unfairly attacked. An attack that reaches the threshold of racist remarks. Here is the paragraph is question, I apologize for publishing it again, but it is neccesary to expose such filth. "Roddy had persistently backed Daniel Brown to serve as Interim Mayor and polished her credentials as Marilyn X by even casting a vote for perennial candidate Chuck Williams, who variously has billed himself as "Chuck in Charge" "Chuck Serving The Community" and "Big Poppa Chuck" Perhaps he will ad (sic) "Chuck Who Can't Get Elected To A Damn Thing" to his resume." To refer to Councilwoman Roddy as "Marilyn X" is vile, disgusting and racist. To mock Chuck Williams, former State Representative Joe Burchfield and Successful Businessman Bill Rolen is disgusting.

Publisher Steve Hunley needs to name the "staff member" that authored this type of vile, disgusting filth and appologize to not only Councilwoman Roddy, former State Representative Burchfield, Chuck Williams and Bill Rolen but to the African American community at large. Pilot Travel Centers, Weigels and any business should immediately pull this papers from the locations where they are offered free of charge to the public.

I am not a resident, property owner or tax payer of the City of Knoxville. But stuff like this may cause me to become a Marilyn Roddy supporter.

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