Thursday, April 07, 2011

News Sentinel Silent on Haslam and Tax Dollars, but Allow Slams on a Church

While every legitimate newspaper in the state has criticised Governor Haslam on his awarding huge pay raises to his crony cabinet members. The News Sentinel has remained silent. Haslam awarded Madeline Rogero a similar pay raise when he was Knoxville Mayor. So, while the Sentinel turns a blind eye to Haslam, they print this letter to the editor blasting a local church with no detail of the alleged sham that was carried out by the church or if the author's tale is legit.

This is proof that the editor Jack McElroy and Publisher Patrick Birmingham ain't from around here. Even if we (native East Tennesseans) don't believe in a particular denomination, we still respect the entity. Not McElroy and Birmingham! Evidently.

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