Thursday, April 07, 2011

Shock and Awe (aka Brian's Blog) Got the Latest Fee Office Development Right First

Last night, Brian's Blog posted about the latest fee office development at 10:34 p.m. here. While another blogger went up at 7:30 p.m. he was believing that the opinon applied to all fee offices. I have text messages and facebook messages from him stating that he was right. The problem last night was the opinion was only in the hands of the 11 County Commissioners as Law Director Joe Jarret sent it at 4:30 p.m. to only the Commissioners.

One of my sources actually read the opinion and understood it completely, so while I was a couple of hours posting the story. It was the accurate version. The problem with this "other" blogger is that he is employed by a negative front publication for an agenda of backroom secrecy and not open transparency. The problem is as a blogger or a legitimate citizen journalist you should NEVER become part of the story. Young Mr. Andrews will have to learn that lesson one day and quit trying to be the sidekick of a legitimate News Sentinel reporter or carrying Betty Bean's water

Young Andrew's has blogged so much using my name and my blog name it is as if he is wanting his blog to pop up from my search engine searches. He has made it known that he is unhappy that Doug McCaughan and I are the go to blog guys in Knoxville by legitimate media. Andrews called me yesterday and said he was watching my sitemeter numbers during the time and immediately following my appearence on the Ed and Bob Show on WNOX FM 100.3 yesterday. 

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