Friday, June 24, 2011

Marshall Stair - Where have you been?

Marshall Stair, candidate for City Council At-Large Seat B is an interesting candidate. He is young (32 years old), he is the son of Caesar Stair, a prominent Knoxville Attorney. The Metro Pulse (the weekly liberal left leaning rag owned by E.W. Scripps) published recently that he was reportedly recruited to run by Tom McAdams, a local Attorney and close confident of former Mayor Victor Ashe.

What McAdams and others obviously didn't look into is the fact that (according to my sources) he has NEVER voted in a Mayor's election; NEVER voted in a City Council At-Large election; NEVER voted in a City Council Primary. Which means at age 32 he has NEVER voted in an election for the seat that he is asking city voters to elect him to.

Now, let's look at the other candidates for City Council At-Large Seat B. Buck Cochran and Tierney Bates have both been candidates for City Council in the past. Bill Owen has previously served as State Senator. So, all three of them have  at least the experience as a person that has cast a ballot for City elections in the past.

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