Friday, June 24, 2011

Armstrong for Law Director

The News Sentinel reports here yesterday's official announcement that former East Knox County Commissioner Richard Armstrong will seek the Knox County Law Director's position next year. Brian's Blog was the first (back on May 31, 2011) to report this rumor, here.  Mike Donila over at Screams from the Porch actually followed up on our rumor and reported (on June 2, 2011) here that Armstrong was "coy" about it. Then on June 3, 2011 I posted (here) how Armstrong attended the bi weekly "Pinkston Breakfast".

So, when I got the invite last week for a Richard Armstrong announcement on the Court House steps. I wasn't shocked. I was unable to attend, you see making a living is much more important to me than hearing officially what I reported on May 31.

Kudos to the News Sentinel for fleshing out that Armstrong has ONLY been licensed to practice law for 3 years. Is that what Knox County wants? I mean Bill Lockett was licensed to practice longer than that when he was elected. I like Armstrong as a person, but as Knox County's Law Director? I am not convinced. Do we really want to turn the law department over to a guy just cause "he's from around here"?

Also, next year East Knox County resident Phil Ballard is being challenged for re-election by a Certified Appraiser in John Whitehead. Is putting Armstrong and Ballard on the countywide ballot at the same time a wish and a prayer that all East Knox County will vote for them and over ride the West Knox County vote? If it is, I would say, this is another failed corryton hatchet job that won't work.

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