Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Amy Leigh Hubbard - You Stalker, You!

Today Mark Padgett had a press conference to announce his "Padgett Plan"! I was a few minutes late, but I got my question in after Anthony Welsch, Erica Estep and George Hamilton. But lo and behold there was Amy Leigh Hubbard sitting in Padgett headquarters watching the candidate.

Not sure if she was there to change the view from the Rogero office scenery, if maybe she wanted to grab lunch at Harold's or if she had a real reason to be there. She didn't ask a question and left rather quickly after the press conference ended. I am just wondering how long it takes for Pagett Communication Director Laura Braden to consider calling KPD about stalking charges on Amy Hubbard? Of course Cappy Padgett my take maters into it's own k9 biting mechanisms.

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