Thursday, September 29, 2011

Here it is!

Tuesday evening I was at the Deane Hill Rec Center during the City primary election voting. I was talking to Trustee Chief of Staff Josh Burnett and City Council Candidate Marshall Stair. Marilyn Roddy's husband Patrick and my friend Walt Wojnar were there. Delinquent tax attorney Chad Tindell for Knox County Trustee John Dunacn had just arrived to work the polls. I asked Josh how Twiddle Dum was doing! He said "be nice" I said I am that is the name that Sandra Clark gave him not me. I promised to send Josh the link to the post from Shock and Awe that had Sandra's picture and story. so, I share it here again for all the readers of Shock And Awe.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Well Chad did support Rogero?! Wasn't he the Knox County GOP Chairman?

    Thanks for supporting your fellow Republican's Chad!

  2. Yep, he was Chair from 2003-2005. When he was Chair he was consumed with raising money & not neccesarily improving the grassroots networks. So seeing his buddy Bill Stokes & him selecting one of the more well financed candidates is not surprising.

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    There is more to that story I am sure. I think there was a deal struck between former chairs, the Duncans and Madeline. More Good ol' boy and girl politics going on here. They want to support someone that will scratch their back and do them favors. They all make me sick and to think I supported this party for all of these years and the party turns its head on the new republican party. They don't like the new breed of republican candidates.

    See if I support any candidate that these people get behind any more.
