Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sandra Clark Got It Wrong or She Doesn't Know Politics of the 20th Century

Sandra Clark, the E.W. Scripps writer took a shot at State Senate candidate Marilyn Roddy in Scripps free bird cage liner known as Shopper News. Now, Clark ran for elective office and was TN State of Representative a long time ago. It is possible that Sandra has not caught up with politics in the 20th century.

This week, Sandra took a dig saying that Roddy spent a major portion of her money (direct mail) out of state. Now, yes while the consultant Roddy hired was based out of Florida. All the direct mail was printed and processed in Knoxville. You see while a campaign consultant say here in Knoxville may have a candidate in Somerset, KY and while the campaign would pay the consultant. The consultant goes into the candidates district to have it produced and mailed.  

This next story is NOT from the Roddy campaign, but it is about local -v- out of state suppliers. Sometimes, local can let you down. I have a friend that ordered yard signs locally. When it was necessary to order more and finances were tight, in shopping around it was discovered that my friend could get them much cheaper from an out of state company. When my friend sent their locally produced sign. The company said you can't see that sign from a distance. They advised my friend to go with a cleaner more effective sign. So, it is important to get multiple opinions and sometimes the local can let you down. It is about what is right for a candidate.

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