Monday, October 03, 2011

Have the Celebrity Pumpers Intentionally Snubbed Farragut?

Back in May Shock And Awe posted about Pilot finally complying with the Town of Farragut sign law, six years late. Read it here.  The Farragut Press had an article in October last year. Read it here. Remember, this past year, Pilot increased the number of Pilot stores in Farragut when they purchased a c-store at Kingston Pike and Watt Road. Also, the Flying J on Watt Road. So, they have three truck stops / fueling centers in Farragut.

So, when the list for the Celebrity Pumpers at Pilot were released yesterday for the next three days. There is only ONE celebrity pumper at 701 Campbell Station Road. It is tomorrow October 4, 2011 from 1-2 p.m. In past years, the County Mayor, a couple of County Commissioners and State Representative Ryan Haynes have pumped at the Campbell Station Road. There are no celebrity pumpers scheduled at the new Farragut Pilot at 13061 Kingston Pike (Kingston Pike and Watt Road)

In addition there are no Town of Farragut elected official "celebrity pumpers" and this year NO Knox County School Board Members were selected. Is this an intentional snub of the Town of Farragut and Knox County Schools?


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Farragut was blacklisted big time! Mr. Hornback look deeper no state representative steve hall who represents, no state senator sue atchley who represents concord or stacey campfield that represents farragut no county commissioner dr briggs...this appears deliberate or sloppy. Real sloppy...forgetting school board members?! You as an ex-school board member know how much time effort and energy goes into being a school board member.

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I guess since the county school doesn't use moxcar PR firm, this is retribution! Or Moxcar is just really really bad at what they do! Brian can you make some calls and see if a lot of these politicians that are not on the list were contacted? If they weren't or if this was a last minute job that would make MoxCar look horrendous. This is MoxCar's crown jewel! Notice they only got like 2 people from Sentinel. They got nobody from Shopper which is a Moxcar Client. Heck I would have paid $100 to charity to see Sandra Clark or Betty Bean pump Brian's gas :) Keep up the good fight!

    the digital underground

  3. I responded to the email that I recieved and I picked two stores in my district to pump, Northshore and Kingston Pike today and Northshore in Rocky Hill tomorrow. Those were the only two stores remaining with times. It is up to the elceted official to sign up if he or she wishes to. This is not Pilot's disrespect to Farragut. If you would like I will work Friday at the New Pilot store on Kingston pike.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    @jeff it seems like Pilot HATES Farragut why else would they REFUSE to advertise in Farragut Press? They like the money but not the people. THIs APPEARS TO REMOVE ALL DOUBT! Want more proof
    note how Pilot that sponsors almost everything in city DOESN'T SUPPORT ADMIRAL FOOTBALL....

  5. Just wanted to let you know that since Pilot Pumpers originated in 1995, the only public officials invited to be "celebrity pumpers" have been the Knoxville and Knox County mayors, Knoxville City Council, Knox County Commission and the Knox County legislative delegation. It's not because we intended to "snub" anyone -- it was just an attempt to invite the most recognizable people and keep the number manageable. We will be happy to re-evaluate that list next year if we hear from other elected officials that they would like to do it.

    Commissioner Ownby is correct in that the elected officials are offered the opportunity to select where they would like to pump. Mayor Ragsdale often chose a Farragut location because he lived in that area. Mayor Burchett has selected a different Pilot location. Not every official who is invited has accepted the opportunity. Some have conflicts that prevent them from doing it and we understand. Pilot, Moxley Carmichael and United Way are grateful to all of those who lend their support to this worthy community cause.

  6. Ms. Moxley:

    Thank you for your reply. I have talked with Commissioner Ownby, he further stated that he was able to select a time and location from the list. So, as I understand the concept, the locations and times are determined by either Pilot or Moxley/Carmichael.

    As for only selecting only "most recognized officials" I would challenge your assertion that Dr. McIntyre, Indya Kincannon, Cindy Buttry or Thomas Deakins are not as
    visible as as Dr. Briggs, Mike Brown or Tony Norman.

    In Farragut, Mayor McGill, Vice Mayor LaMarche and Alderman Bob Martel are highly recognizable in the Knox County area as any City Council or County Commissioner is.

    As for other celebrities, last year you had Dan "the man" Andrews from Knoxville Focus. Why was he not included this year.

  7. anonymous, no slam intended on anyone. I was only stating that I selected Pilot store that were in my district. If I had known that no one had choosen any Pilot store in Farragut I would have went there tomorrow. Mrs. Moxley if possible I would be glad to work in Farragut at the Kingston Pike and Watt rd. store tomorrow. I know the store manager and do go in that store on various occassions. I love Farragut and the citizens that live down there. Can we all just get along.

  8. Now I know why I never got an e-mail or was asked to help with this cause. I would be honored to help out next year.

    Thomas Deakins
    Chairman, Knox County School Board

  9. Now I know why the school board was not selected to join the celebrity pumpers. Please know that Brian is correct when he states that school board members are visible and will be recognized. I am more than happy to participate next year so sign me up.

    Thomas A Deakins
    Chairman, Knox County School Board

  10. Thank you for your comments and suggestions, everyone. They will help us have an even better Pilot Pumpers event next year. Looks like we may have even more celebrity pumpers than ever!
