Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Insider Trading at the School Board?

Last night the Knox County School Board held it's workshop. On the agenda were about 5 possible budget busters. Items that the board could alter in order to save money. One item is the outsourcing of custodial services. This is an actionable item, because Superintendent Dr. James McIntyre would like for the board to vote on this in November and implement the change during the winter holidays. With the new provider taking over in January.

The recommended vendor is SSC of Knoxville. President Don Williams of Oak Ridge and Marketing guy Matt Cooter of Elizabethton were there representing SSC. Apparently, Mark Isom of Jefferson City of Premiere Business Services will be a sub contractor with SSC. Isom was also present to answer questions.

The school board asked some really hard questions of SSC/Premiere. However, heads were raised when the question about the custodial contract in Metro Nashville was asked. A board member asked if they proposed on the Metro Nashville contract. They said that Mark Isom had proposed and that SSC was his sub on that proposal. A board member asked why do you feel you didn't get that contract. Isom said it was "political" and then he said that he believes "insider trading" was involved. That's a way to perk up a sleepy school board meeting!

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