Monday, October 17, 2011

Padgett Bologna Cutting at Powell Realty and Auction

Yes, I attended the Powel Realty and Auction Bologna Cutting for Mike Padgett. Howard and Kenny Phillips are good friends and they always invite me. Plus the Padgett campaign invited me. Sandra Clark, the E.W. Scripps writer, mentioned me in her follow-up. Prior to mentioning Michelle Carringer and myself, Clark apologized if she got a quote wrong. She said because it is tough eating a bologna sandwich and taking note. It seems from this picture that she was taking notes quite well.
The actual event on Thursday went rather well. William Pierce Padgett made an appearance in order to support his daddy. What I enjoyed most was seeing his "grandpa" being the proud grandpa and guard of young Mr. Pierce. Of course, Katie (Pierce's mom) was right there too.

Also, Sandra Clark reported about former County Commissioner Michelle Carringer and I attending. Well, here we are with good friends, Mark Hancock and City Council Member Brenda Palmer.
And of course, my friend Bo Bennett with Knoxville Mayoral Candidate Mark Padgett following the speech.

Of course, a Howard Phillips bologna cutting would not be properly covered without a photograph of the candidate and Howard Phillips together.

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